Search By: Age Group, Disability Type, Year, Location, Language, Theme
Search By: Age Group, Disability Type, Year, Location, Language, Theme
Age: Not Disclosed
Gender: Male
Location: Tennessee
Disability: Autism
Theme: Surveilance cameras in classrooms as a back-up for liability issues, inclusion with neurotypical children, increased funding in IDEA
Language: Spanish
Age: Not Disclosed
Gender: Male
Location: Tennessee
Disability: Autism, Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder
Theme: school providing enough information, 1:1 therapy not just group, Classroom aides participating in IEPs
Language: Spanish
Age: Not Disclosed
Gender: Male
Location: Illinois
Disability: Autism, Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder
Theme: Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder be added as a disability area, better train teachers to work with students with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder
Language: Spanish
Age: Not Disclosed
Gender: Male
Location: Illinois
Disability: Down Syndrome
Theme: IEPs provided in home language, training for parents, more communication with parents, training for teachers
Language: Spanish
Age: Transition
Gender: Female
Location: Illinois
Disability: Autism
Theme: Increase diversity of classes, help parents understand the law better, provide documentation so parents understand it and it isn't repetitive
Language: Spanish
Age: School Age
Gender: Male
Location: Massachusetts
Disability: Cerebral Palsy
Theme: Information in Spanish
Language: Spanish
Age: Not Disclosed
Gender: Female
Location: Tennessee
Disability: Autism
Theme: Provide more services and therapies, provide supports for Latino families
Language: Spanish
Age: Early Childhood
Gender: Male
Location: Tennessee
Disability: Autism
Theme: Provide more therapies to support speech and behavior, provide more information in Spanish
Language: Spanish
Age: School Age
Gender: Male
Location: Tennessee
Disability: Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, Autism
Theme: Including students with disabilities in activities, providing better communication between parents and teachers to allow for more participation
Language: Spanish
Age: Early Childhood
Gender: Female
Location: Tennessee
Disability: Autism
Theme: Provide more education for teachers in autism
Language: Spanish
Age: School Age
Gender: Female
Location: Tennessee
Disability: Autism
Theme: Lack of education about classmates with disabilities
Language: Spanish
Age: Transition
Gender: Male
Location: South Carolina
Disability: Autism
Theme: Increasing access to full-time services during summer, increasing funding for special education
Language: Spanish